Bilik Di Bawah Tangga

Below is the comment a friend gave to me for the short story "Bilik Di Bawah Tangga" :

Lepas baca yang dah terbit tu banyak kali, saya rasa cerpen tu memperlihatkan ciri-ciri romantik diri awak (cerpen lain juga). [Saya] lebih suka cerpen seorang perempuan dengan seekor monyet. lagipun awak tak jelaskan sangat sebab kenapa Lukreiza nak lupakan masa lepasnya. Macam tak cukup kukuh alasannya. Luk tak mau ingat masa lepasnya, tapi di akhir cerpen Adrian cuba sedarkan dia dengan lagu yang jadi simbolik masa lepasnya. Dia akan sedar ke macam tu?

What more can I say after reading this comment? One cannot separate oneself from the past. But that dosn't mean we should let ourselves become the slave and the past our master. As Foucault had once said, man must continiously create himself. But he must of course have perfection in his mind for it's the strive for perfection that gives us energy and passion to live on in this lonely world.


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